What is “Scale in Peace” | Vision And Mission

by Sep 17, 2024100 video / 100 days, Updates0 comments

I re-introduce Scale in Peace, why I am doing this and why you will want to keep watching the next daily videos.

A. 😲 If you open a business, you have 50% of chances to fail within 5 years. Your relatives must be worried. You must be unconscious! Nonetheless, you know the truth now. It’s 50/50. So, I decided to turn Scale in Peace YouTube channel into a knowledge center, and share everything that I know and learn, to help you survive and thrive as a business owner.

1. What are the reasons why you may fail: failure will be a big part of the talk here. Because we learn so much from our failures.

2. What are the solutions in front of you. Let’s be solution oriented here. There are so many options for you to help you. I hope I can help you choose the right tools, the right books, the right strategies to help you grow (and avoid to shutdown).

3. You might not have time to anticipate everything and search for solutions yourself. So you can count on me to work for you and share my findings with you.

B. Think of this channel as your **support group**. Here is what you need to know about me: I’ve never had a business for more than 4 years. But I’ve been an entrepreneur since I am 20 year old. I’ve even had my share of “successes” with my previous hospitality business. So there must be one thing or two I can share with you, that can help you survive these next 5 years and most importantly thrive, enjoy the ride and “scale in peace”.

C. My current vision is to make accessible to the public some complex business strategies and knowledge that successful companies are using to give their fair chances for smaller sharks in the pond like you.

D. And how am I going to do this? I am going to post 1 video on this YouTube channel per day.

Ok let’s go! You can congratulate yourself for having the courage to start a business and own a business today. And if you have the chance to see this video, then this means you are already on the path of searching for useful knowledge, for a community and for growth and success in your entrepreneurial journey.

Welcome to Scale in Peace! A place where you will learn to turn your small business into a bigger one, one step at a time, with a smile on your face everyday!

are you lacking customers right now?

I have been there too. Your small business has fixed costs but unstable revenues.

Your problem might not be the quality of your products or services. It might simply be that potential customers cannot find you when they need it.

And where do people search for things they need today? Online.

But if we look at your website or social media now: are they actually set for acquisition and conversion?

If you are not sure, Scale in Peace has listed all the items you need to check if you want to fix your online visibility. And it’s completely free!


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