[007/100] Get More Clients Using Facebook Groups

by Aug 18, 2024100 video / 100 days0 comments

In this video, I am sharing my screen and showing you exactly how I use Facebook groups to generate engagement to my Facebook Page and traffic to my website.

Lear how to use Facebook groups, what to comment and which posts to interact with. Then see the real results it brings to the page I am sharing.

The strategy for Facebook groups is as follow:

1. As your Facebook Page, join groups that are related to your industry and where members are potential clients

2. Find the group feed and comment on posts where real users are actually asking questions that you can answer

3. Ensure that your comment is helpful, respecting the group rules and showcasing what you actually do.

4. If relevant, share a link to the most pertinent web page of your own website.

5. See the number of interactions with your page increase on a daily basis and traffic increase on your website.

Who is this strategy useful for:

1. Any business that lack traffic on their website and social media

2. Small businesses who are not using Social Media for engagement yet

3. Companies that want to generate more sales and search for simple strategies to get started with.

The cost of this strategy: 30 minutes every day of social media. Can be any of your favorite forum. If you have no marketing budget this is perfect to get started.

Note: this is ideal if you already have a website set for conversion. If you don’t it is still nice to do, but you will loose on the “long term” benefits for example when your efforts of commenting today cannot payback later.

Please use the comment section for constructive feedback: for example better suggestions, things you wanted to see that I forgot to mention, other techniques.

The best feedback of all being that you tried and it also helped you generate conversations and conversions.

Favorite quote of this video: “Use Facebook for conversation and your website for conversion!”

are you lacking customers right now?

I have been there too. Your small business has fixed costs but unstable revenues.

Your problem might not be the quality of your products or services. It might simply be that potential customers cannot find you when they need it.

And where do people search for things they need today? Online.

But if we look at your website or social media now: are they actually set for acquisition and conversion?

If you are not sure, Scale in Peace has listed all the items you need to check if you want to fix your online visibility. And it’s completely free!


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