[063/100] What is Markdown – CheatSheet & Full Tutorial

by Oct 13, 2024100 video / 100 days0 comments

Markdown is a formatting language that has been created recently (2004) compared to other languages and is pretty simple to learn.

The immediate benefits of learning it will be the time saved to create your headings, bullet points, quotes, put text in bold, italic, etc.

Scale in Peace Youtube Channel is all about helping you saving time and being more productive. So, small tips like this video is a good way to learn to write faster and format your text using markdown characters.

Markdown Formatting Language CheatSheet


  • # H1
  • ## H2
  • ### H3
  • #### H4
  • ##### H5
  • ###### H6


  • *Italic* or _Italic_
  • **Bold** or __Bold__
  • ***Bold and Italic*** or ___Bold and Italic___

Not necessarily markdown but good to know:

  • Strikesthrough: “Command + Shift + x” or “Window + Shift + x” is formatting the text as strikesthrough or you can use “~~text~~” symbols
  • Underline: CMD + U

Bullet points or Unordered lists

Type “- “:

– Item 1
– Item 2

Or use the “* ” (star + spacebar)

Numbered list or Ordered List

“1. ” so, the number, a dot and a space.


[Link Text](https://example.com)


![Alt Text](https://example.com/image.jpg)

The “alt text” is going to show a text, like for a link and the link will link to the image link, where the image is actually stored.


Use the crocodile symbol: “> ” or the vertical bar: “| “

Inline Code

`Inline code` Inline code

Horizontal Line

It’s three minus symbol: “—“


| Header 1 | Header 2 |

| ——– | ——– |

| Row 1 | Data 1 |

| Row 2 | Data 2 |

Task Lists

[ ] Task 1

[x] Task 2

Full Markdown language tutorial and video explainer:

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