[003/100] To-Finish Lists

by Aug 14, 2024100 video / 100 days0 comments

Most small business owners and their teams will struggle to find ways to be more productive. And by making to-do lists, you are setting yourself on a never-ending list of future things that need to get done. And the longer the list goes, the less motivating. That is when procrastination arise and it can feel overwhelming. So my solution for this, and I have been applying it for the past 3 years at least is to make “To Finish” lists instead of TO-DO lists.

By making a to finish list on a daily basis, you only put items you commit to finish and it is like a challenge everyday to get those few things done before leaving your desk / work place.

A to finish list is a great way to end procrastination and feel good about what you achieve everyday. Doing to finish list everyday also helps adjusting on what you will finish based on your emotions, your mood and energy.

As entrepreneurs, we also have private events happening in our lives and different abilities to work every day: so we can adjust our ambitions with to finish lists. I wrote a blog article on this a few years ago and the link will be pasted as first comment of this video (cannot add it to the description as my account is new and need to be verified first by Google).

If you are discovering me, I am Nicolas Thành and I am posting one video per day over the next 100 days on this new YouTube channel called Scale in Peace.

Scale in Peace aims at helping small businesses to get fully booked in 6 months! Every video is aiming at helping you achieving that goal.

are you lacking customers right now?

I have been there too. Your small business has fixed costs but unstable revenues.

Your problem might not be the quality of your products or services. It might simply be that potential customers cannot find you when they need it.

And where do people search for things they need today? Online.

But if we look at your website or social media now: are they actually set for acquisition and conversion?

If you are not sure, Scale in Peace has listed all the items you need to check if you want to fix your online visibility. And it’s completely free!


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